Laravel 11.28, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 11.28

Another minor release this week brings us to Laravel 11.28. Here are the highlights:

  • Update Authorizable methods to support BackedEnum in #53079
  • Add defaultLocale and defaultCurrency to Number facade in #53101
  • Add env:encrypt and env:decrypt commands in #53081
  • Add enum_value to resolve BackedEnum or UnitEnum to scalar in #53096
  • Allow guessing of nested component in #52669
  • Introduce RouteParameter attribute in #53080
  • Ensure where with array respects boolean in #53147
  • Add CollectedBy attribute in #53122
  • Add successful and failed to ProcessPoolResults in #53160

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I had a few days to do some work. Mostly making tweaks to Shift based on user feedback. I also did a bit of work on the side-project with Caen.

We are painfully close to a private beta. We've been alpha testing it ourselves the past few weeks and have some demos scheduled over the next week. Provided they go smoothly, we'll likely share it publicly at the end of the month.

I traveled again last week to my sister's wedding in Utah. I actually met up with some Laravelians in Salt Lake City for lunch. We had an epic deli sandwich and talked about the TALL versus RILT stacks.

Needless to say, not too much work while there. This week I hope to finish up any outstanding Human Shifts as well as my side-project tasks with Caen.

🔥 Tip

While not in the framework release, something added this week you may be interested in is the new composer run dev command now included in Laravel applications.

Taylor added this command to run artisan serve, queue:listen, artisan pail, etc. Basically a single command to fire up your Laravel app in development.

So if you develop locally this way (using artisan serve), you may want to add this to your composer.json.

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