No release, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

No release

There was another patch release last week, but no minor release today as Taylor is on vacation.

A reminder subscribers to a Shifty Plan automatically receive a PR bumping Laravel, as well as other packages, anytime there is a new release.

This automation is a nice way to stay up-to-date and periodically kick-off your CI builds. However, they're really just a bonus for subscribers. The main value of a Shifty Plan are the included Shifts, full access to the Workbench, and webhooks.

Weekly Journal

Last week was a tough one for me personally. I won't get into any details, but we all have those times where life knocks us down. Sometimes random. Sometimes self-inflicted. This time was the latter, so it stings a bit more. I'm doing my best to learn from it and keep moving forward.

As far as Shift, I continued making improvements from the recent Human Shifts. There was also some user feedback regarding automation that was missed for an application which followed an unconventional Laravel structure. While Shift always does best with a conventional application, I want to make sure Shift supports as many Laravel applications as possible.

Right now, I have some free time before preparing for Laracon US. I plan to use some of that to pair with Jess and try to complete the Shift CLI. However, I'd really like to use some of it for Human Shifts. Particularly for helping write tests for your Laravel application. My Laracon US talk will be on testing, and seeing some real-world applications would be helpful.

So, if you have an untested Laravel application and a little something in the budget, let me know. We can pair up to get your application tested.

🔥 Tip

Last week I started a series of tweets about performance. These initial ones are mostly about running Laravel's built in cache commands (artisan config:cache, artisan view:cache, etc). There's really no reason not to run these, and they give you a noticeable request per second boost and overall response time drop. Add them to your deployment and enjoy.