No release, weekly updates, and weekly tip

No release

No release as Taylor and several members of the Laravel team were attending Laracon EU. I expect one of the last minor releases for Laravel 11 next week with Laravel 12 releasing soon.

Along those lines, Laravel 10 has reached end of life. It hasn't received bug fixes since last September and no longer receives security patches. So, if you are still running Laravel 10, it's time to upgrade. You may upgrade with the Laravel 11.x Shift, save by subscribing to the Latest Plan, or manually.

Weekly Journal

Last week I continued working on the side-project with JT. There are still some rough edges. But I think the common use case is pretty well covered. So, I want to share our side-project with you first. Introducing WP Static - convert your old (or unnecessarily using) WordPress site to a static site for free. Please don't hesitate to reply with any feedback or questions.

The rest of the week I finished up some outstanding Human Shifts. I had another come in to upgrade from Laravel 8 to Laravel 11. Jake Bennett also gave me a heartfelt shoutout on the Laravel News podcast for the Human Shift I did for them. Much love Jake.

This week I patched up a few bugs from the Human Shifts. More so this time as want to get everything cleaned up before breaking ground on the Laravel 12.x Shift. Taylor announced Laravel 12 will be released on February 24th (along with Laravel Cloud and new starter kits).

Taylor said Laravel 12 will have "no breaking changes". But I expect there's still plenty to automate. At a minimum, there's changing core files, bumping Composer dependencies, and adopting latest conventions. If there truly are not many changes, then I'll have the opportunity to focus more on adopting the latest conventions. This would include using PHP attributes, facades, and new helpers. Anything that makes your app feel like it has always been running the latest version of Laravel.

Weekly Tip

A quick tip this week (and possibly one I've mentioned before) is you should never need to fake both the Queue and Bus in the same test. Yes, I am saying never.

There's a bit of nuance. But, generally speaking, if you are using the Bus facade, then you should use Bus::fake(). If you are only dispatching single jobs directly, then use Queue::fake(). But you would never need to use both of them at the same time since Queue simply delegates to Bus. So if you use the Bus facade and dispatch single jobs, then use Bus::fake().

I have talked to about unifying these before. Probably too late for Laravel 12. But maybe something for Laravel 13.