Laravel 10.18, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.18

Couple patch releases last week and a minor release yesterday brings us to Laravel 10.18. Here are the highlights:

  • Update ensure() to correctly work with interfaces and object inheritance in #47934
  • Allow DatabaseRefreshed event to include given database and seed options in #47923
  • Improve decimal shape validation in #47954
  • Add content() to Vite in #47968

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I continued working on the recent Human Shifts. Also had a good pairing session squashing some bugs. I'll continue on the Human Shifts this week.

Izzy is transitioning from "summer camp" to "school", so she was off Monday and Tuesday. We took the opportunity to go to the lake. I always have to answer support emails, but did my best to avoid the computer otherwise. The internet and cell reception is bad, so that "helps".

This week after I'm caught up on the Human Shifts, I plan to work on the mid-cycle Shift. This is an automated update for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. It's a PR containing changes since the initial Laravel 10 release. As you see in this newsletter, a lot changes each week. So after 6 months, there's enough to ensure your Laravel 10 application is up-to-date.

🔥 Tip

I posted a massive thread on Twitter about personal finances for a solo-dev running a successful "lifestyle business". The advice has a somewhat specific target, so I'd consider some of its commentary out-of-context. Nonetheless, it contains some tips on how I've use the income from Shift. Even if you aren't running your own SaaS, it's worth a scroll.