Laravel 10.23, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.23

A patch release yesterday and a few new features today brings us to Laravel 10.23. Here are the highlights:

  • Deduplicate exceptions in #48288
  • New Artisan make:view command in #48330
  • Make ComponentAttributeBag JSON serializable in #48338
  • Add newResponse to PendingRequest in #48344
  • Passthru --test option from make:model in #48335
  • Add before/after database truncation methods to DatabaseTruncation in #48345
  • Render mailable inline images in #48292

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

The drama seems to have subsided from last week. While the same people had some replies, they were all addressed in my detailed explanation.

With Wednesday and Thursday I completed the Mid-Cycle Shift. This is a special Shift for subscribers of a Shifty Plan. With the annual release cycles, there becomes a critical mass of changes after this initial release. So, roughly 6 months into the release cycle, I write this Shift to automate important changes to core files.

With the remainder of the week I returned to the Shift CLI. The only remaining piece was setting up a way to distribute the premium tasks. It seems the community typically reaches for Satis. However, I was made aware of noteworthy alternatives in both Private Packagist and Anystack.

This week, I hope to finish the Shift CLI and pair with Zuzana. She has been helping me over the last few weeks with updates to while I focused on these other Shift projects.

🔥 Tip

Quick tip this week regarding str_replace (and others like preg_replace). I believe I mentioned before these functions accept an array of searches and replacements. But what's interesting is you may pass an array of searches, but a string replacement. When you do, all searches will be replaced with replacement.

echo str_replace(['foo', 'bar'], 'baz', 'foo bar baz');
// baz baz baz