Laravel 10.26, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.26

Running a day behind, but there were a few patch releases yesterday bringing us to Laravel 10.26.2. Here are the highlights:

  • Account for new MariaDB platform in #48563
  • Convert Expression to string for having subqueries in #48525
  • Allow searching vendor:publish prompt in #48586
  • Add new SQL error messages in #48601
  • Prevent session:table command from creating duplicates in #48602
  • Handle expiration in seconds in #48600
  • Add closure type hint for Query Builder methods in #48562

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I corrected a few bugs with the Shift CLI launch. I had some placeholder copy I forgot to replace, as well as a few typos in the "welcome email".

I also made some tweaks to the HTML Converter. This was based on user feedback. I actually have a few more tweaks to make. So I'll probably work on those today.

Over the weekend, I had a little time to work on the side-project. It was one of the few times I was struggling with Laravel.

As a new project, I wanted to use some of the new(ish) features, like custom model attributes casts and the Process facade. I'll admit, I'm impatient. But these weren't behaving the way I initially expected. So I actually abandoned the custom cast in favor of an old school helper method. However, I did stick with the Process facade. Testing it over Symfony's Process was worth it.

The girls are out of daycare for the next few days. So I don't plan on getting much done with the rest of this week.

🔥 Tip

In messing with the custom casts, there are actually a lot of casts Laravel provides out-of-the-box. Things like encrypted to automatically encrypt/decrypt columns, as well as hashed to always ensure a value is hashed before stored. You can even make a value a Stringable when fetched. I encourage you to take a minute and review the list.