Laravel 10.35, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 10.35

Multiple patch releases last week and a few new features this week brings us to Laravel 10.35. Here are the highlights:

  • Add Conditionable trait to AssertableJson in #49172
  • Add --with-secret option to artisan down command in #49171
  • Add Number::summarize in #49197
  • Add Blade @use directive in #49179
  • Fix loss of attributes after calling child component in #49216

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week was mostly Human Shifts with a bit of the side-project sprinkled in. I'm giving myself to the end of the year to launch the side-project. Mainly because the MVP is taking too long. Also, more importantly, I'll need to start 2024 focused on Shift with the upcoming release of Laravel 11.

To that point, I broke ground on the Laravel 11.x Shift. Mainly just registering the new Shift class and its individual task classes. Laravel 11 removes a lot of the default files included with a Laravel app. Which I am pretty excited about. Not only from a Shift perspective, but also as a Laravel advocate.

Concepts like kernels, handlers, and even providers appear out-of-the-box. But only the latter is used in practice. These files are really just registries. Often only changed to add simple classes references. Such changes could be done in a config file or other central place, like a bootstrap file. Anyway, I'm just excited to see some of the things I outlined years ago take shape in Laravel 11.

🔥 Tip

This week, my tip is to check out Livewire. I've dodged these reactive, front-end tools for a while now. Mostly because YAGNI. Also because I've been programming for 25 years and it takes a while for me to change.

I'm not saying use Livewire for everything. But as a Laravel developer, if you have any kind of interactivity on your page, it really is a no-brainer. A few forms for the side-project had dialog boxes, toggles, and file uploads. I wired it all up (with help from Jason Beggs) using just Livewire. Never left Laravel or Blade. Never wrote any JavaScript.