Laravel 10.7, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.7

A couple fixes and new features this week, and a fast follow patch release brings us to Laravel 10.7.1. Here are the highlights:

  • Allow WithFaker trait to be used outside Laravel TestCase in #46529
  • Allow Event::assertListening() to check for invokable event listeners in #46683
  • Add missing ignored methods to ViewComponent in #46692
  • Fix Cache::spy() incompatibility with Cache::get() in #46689
  • Return non-zero exit code for uncaught exceptions in #46541
  • Add pipe method to Process in #46527
  • Fix whereBetween for Carbon DatePeriod in #46720
  • Add setValue to Validator in #46716

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I continued to make tweaks to Shifts based on user feedback. Nothing major. Just incremental changes to improve the automation for boundary cases. It's all about making Shift .01% better.

I also updated the UI for the Shifty Plan Repositories page. Particular around fetching the repository details. This is really just a display for the Laravel version the project is running. It is updated nightly and as such has some lag. Also due to repository access, the version may not be available immediately. I've updated it to add a little more messaging around the when this was last updated and when there is an issue. So we'll see if that lessens the support tickets.

Otherwise, I live streamed on the upcoming Shift CLI. I'll be giving this most of my focus in the coming weeks as Shift is pretty well buttoned up right now, and there are no new Human Shifts.

🔥 Tip

I've been watching this poll on Twitter. Unless you have a significant number of votes and a clear winner, these results don't mean anything. Nonetheless, here's my two cents on PHPUnit versus Pest.

If I were just starting out with testing, I would probably use Pest. With Nuno being a core team member, it's likely Pest will become the out-of-the-box testing framework for Laravel.

However, if I had an existing PHPUnit test suite, I wouldn't get caught up in the hype. It's probably not worth the effort to convert. Just keep writing tests. 🔥