Laravel 10.9, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.9

Some new features this week brings us to Laravel 10.9.0. Here are the highlights:

  • Allow separate directory for locks on filestore in #46811
  • Use pivot model fromDateTime instead of assuming Carbon in #46822
  • New HTTP status assertions in #46841
  • Allow pruning all cancelled and unfinished queue batches in #46833
  • Make rules() optional in FormRequest in #46846
  • New named static methods for middleware in #46362
  • Allow job release to accept date instance in #46854
  • Automatically use foreignUlid if model uses HasUlids in #46876

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I automated the recent skeleton slimming in the Laravel 10.x Shift. I also made a few additional tweaks for PHPUnit dependencies, as well as tweaks to the Tests Generator for the latest version of Pest.

This week I'll continue my live streams to try and get the rest of the Workbench tasks ported over to the new Shift CLI. If I can manage that, then I'll prepare the README/docs for a beta release. Otherwise, most of my time is filled with support emails, minor tweaks to the website, and a bit of pairing.

🔥 Tip

In last week's stream I copied a bunch of code from the Shift codebase into the Shift CLI codebase. I don't think a majority of developers would have done this. But you should.

There are all sorts of ways you might have abstracted this code to better share it. But even after 25 years of programming, I don't presume to know what those are at the outset. It's better to copy the code several times and get a feel for how it's really used. Then, maybe, maybe abstract it. But I still probably won't.