Laravel 11.14, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 11.14

Laravel 11.13 was tagged mid-last week, so today's release brings us to Laravel 11.14. Here are the highlights from both.

  • Allow passing extensions to Str::markdown in #51907
  • Add Macroable to TokenGuard in #51922
  • Display view creation messages in #51925
  • Introduce Str::chopStart and Str::chopEnd in #51910
  • Add pairs to Number in #51904
  • Mark sensitive params with SensitiveParameter attribute in #51940
  • Improvements for serve command in #51957
  • Add support for using castAsJson with a MariaDb connection in #51963
  • Add support for acting on attributes through container in #51934

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Not much last week as Ashley was out of town and I was on point with the girls. Friday I had a little time to catch up on support emails. I took the opportunity as one of my Refactor Fridays and made some tweaks to Shifts. I also patched a patch for my papercut.

Over the weekend I dabbled with HydePHP as the static site generator for the upcoming Shift Blog. I'd normally use Jigsaw. But I liked Hyde's built-in commands and more modern usage of Tailwind and Alpine. I have a rough draft of the first post and am backporting some old knowledge base posts that were never really linked on I should have everything published and ready to share by next week.

With the remainder of this week, I plan to run my time trial and enjoy Independence Day. But first, I'll do a quick live stream tomorrow to see if there's a more Laravel way to extend Faker.

🔥 Deals

My tip this week is to get Aaron Francis' new course High Performance SQLite for three reasons.

First, it's currently offered a discount.

Second, as he notes, SQLite should not be overlooked. In fact, sqlite used to be the database driver for The only reason I changed is because I added other projects to my infrastructure which were already running MySQL. I have no doubt I could swap back. Maybe even see a performance gain after watching Aaron's course.

Third, Aaron (and Steve) makes great content. I remember being very impressed with his database talk way back and Laracon Online 2022. That was 2 years ago. His content now is mind blowing.

So, if you're interested in SQLite, performance, or just supporting Aaron on his journey, get High Performance SQLite now for a discount.