Laravel 11.21, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 11.21

Lots this week since there was no release last week. Here are the highligts for Laravel 11.21.

  • Make expectsChoice more intuitive with associative arrays in #52408
  • Add resource method to Response in #52412
  • Auto-secure cookies in #52422
  • Add withoutHeaders HTTP test method in #52435
  • Add forceDestroy to SoftDeletes in #52432
  • Run prepareNestedBatches when chaining job in #52486
  • Enhance DB inspection commands in #52501
  • Constrain data when passing existing model to assertDatabaseHas in #52464
  • Add between to AssertableJson in #52479
  • Support attributes for app()->call() in #52428

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Nothing to report this week as we left for family vacation on Saturday. I have been answering support emails, but otherwise avoiding screen time. I stole away for a bit to send this newsletter since the release was tagged during the girls nap.

🔥 Tip

If you're heading to Laracon, please find me. I'm not speaking this year. So I will be mingling as an attending the whole time. I always love chatting with fellow members of the Laracon community. So don't hesitate to come share your experience with Shift, ask me Laravel questions, or just say "hi".