Laravel 11.43, weekly updates, and deals

Laravel 11.43

With Laravel 12 releasing next Monday, this may be one of the final releases of Laravel 11. But it's jammed packed! Here are the highlights for Laravel 11.43:

  • Add assertStreamed and assertNotStreamed in #54566
  • Add assertJsonFragments in #54576
  • Add doesntContain to Eloquent Collection in #54567
  • Allow batching a closure in #54587
  • Add isTtySupported to Process in #54604
  • Add prohibited_if_accepted and prohibited_if_declined validation rules in #54608
  • Allow can method on route group in #54648
  • Add reject to Arr in #54638
  • Add ddJson to TestResponse in #54673
  • Add findSole to query builder in #54667
  • Add withWhereRelation to query builder in #54668

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I continued my Wednesday livestreams with a Part 3 (final) of hacking on ideas for Laravel 12. As noted in the stream, I think everything remaining will simply go into a new laravel-additions package which I'll work on after the Laravel 12 release.

A Human Shift came in Friday to upgrade a rather large application from Laravel 5.1 to Laravel 11. I got most of the Shifts run. Now I need to modernize their customizations and review a few packages.

Otherwise, I completed a pre-release of the Laravel 12.x Shift. Taylor has stated Laravel 12 has "no breaking changes". But there are still plenty of changes.

Like all Shifts, it does all the tedious stuff like compare core files, merge in new configuration, and bump dependencies. But, without lots of breaking changes, I've been able to automate more refactoring. This, of course, continuing to make your apps feel fresh and clean.

Weekly Tip

As noted last week, I am offering a pre-release of the Laravel 12.x Shift. This is offered for just $9. A bit of a nostalgic price point for Shift.

There's also a bit of a "developers agreement". That is, you save and can test out Laravel 12, as well as the Laravel 12.x Shift. In return, you send me feedback on how it did so I can continue to improve it before the official release.

Anyone who runs the pre-release of the Laravel 12.x Shift may request a rerun within 30 days.