Laravel 12.2, weekly updates, and weekly tip

Laravel 12.2

Couple new features this week brings us to Laravel 12.2.0. Here are the highlights:

  • Expose checkTimeout within Process in #54912
  • Introduce Compilable for Validation Contract in #54882
  • Add new preserveKeys parameter to chunk in #54916
  • Add ddBody to TestResponse in #54933
  • Add CanBeOneOfMany to HasOneThrough in #54759
  • Add increment and decrement to Context in #54976

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week, spent a lot of time getting all the tests passing in CI for both and the Shift codebase. I also got the outstanding Human Shift in a reviewable place.

This week, I'm on a quick snowboarding trip. Before Covid and kids I used to go on multiple trips a year. But I hadn't taken one in 5 years. Although I didn't get lucky with any fresh pow pow, it was still nice to get back out on the slopes with some fresh mountain air.

Anyway, no livestream this week. But I did pre-record Part 2 of creating a new Laravel package. This time focusing on a new fallback method which may be used to streamline policy classes.

With the rest of the week, I'll likely catch up on support emails and do some work based on those.

Weekly Tip

I've received a lot of emails asking, "Where is the Tailwind 4.x Shift?" The answer is, there isn't one.

That's because Tailwind has a built-in upgrade tool for upgrading from version 3 to version 4. It's pretty good. I used it on WPPM.

To alleviate the support emails though, I made a placeholder for a Tailwind 4.x Shift which directs to their tool.