Laravel 8.13, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 8.13

A few new features in this week's release. So we get a minor version bump to 8.13.0.

  • Add chunk to fluent strings in #35038
  • Add loadMin, loadMax, and other aggregate methods in #35029
  • Modify has method to support MorphTo relations in #35050
  • Extract pending request creation for HTTP client #35066

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This minor version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

I used last week to get organized for some future work on Shift into the end of the year. Here's a high-level overview:

  • Update support paths for failed Shifts
  • Finish design and logo "refresh"
  • Create set of Shift "educational videos"

If I can finish all these by the end of the year, I'm optimistic to make some advancements to Shift itself before Laravel 9 and possibly put some focus into upgrading other frameworks.

That's a big if for a few reasons. Mainly because Friday we welcomed our first born - Isabella Rose. So for the remainder of last week and most of this week my focus is elsewhere.

I may squeeze in a live stream later in the week just to do a small amount of coding. Hopefully I'll find a new work routine next week.

🔥 Tip {#tip}Unrelated to Laravel, but very related to development, I wanted to share a Git tip. Something I've been using a lot lately is git clean. This command can be run to remove untracked files from your repository.

Good examples of this are cleaning up temporary files, or in cases where you're spiking on something and creating files in various directories. For example, when using artisan make or Blueprint to generate files.

You may run git clean to remove files or directories. You may pass it paths to target specific files or options like -n to do a "dry run" and output which files would be cleaned.