Laravel 9.51, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 9.51

Lots of patch releases last week. Since the Laravel 10 release was moved to next week, we're getting one more Laravel 9 release bringing us to Laravel 9.51.

Here are the highlights:

  • Stringables for Translator class in #45874
  • Add DatabaseTruncation trait for testing in #45726
  • Trims numeric validation values/parameters in #45912
  • Pass value along to TTL callback in #46006
  • Add URI templates to Http client in #45982
  • Add @style Blade directive in #45887

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I continued to make tweaks to the Laravel 10.x Shift. Particularly around the automation for adding type hints. I'm also closely following the Upgrade Guide for any last minute additions as the release has moved to next week.

I also got back into live streaming. I actually live streamed twice. Once for tweaking the Shift Workbench tasks for Laravel 10 and another for preparing Tighten Jigsaw for Laravel 10. I'll also live stream tomorrow to prepare Blueprint for Laravel 10.

This week I plan to finish up a few new Human Shifts as well as make some marketing materials for the Laravel 10.x Shift.

🔥 Tip

In the process of updating 500 community packages for Laravel 10, I hit some of the secondary rate limits for GitHub's API. I was quite familiar with these and had configured the queue accordingly to sleep for 60 seconds between jobs, as well as only run one job at a time.

Turns out, I misunderstood the sleep option. This is the amount of time the queue waits when there are no jobs. Not the amount of time to wait between jobs. For that, there is an undocumented option called rest. Which is the amount of time the queue waits between running jobs. Once I used that option, I never hit their rate limit again.