No release, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

No release

There was no release yesterday. I believe Taylor is traveling.

A reminder subscribers to a Shifty Plan automatically receive a PR bumping Laravel, as well as other packages, anytime there is a new release.

This automation is a nice way to stay up-to-date and periodically kick-off your CI builds. However, they're really just a bonus for subscribers. The main value of a Shifty Plan are all the included Shifts, full access to the Workbench, and customizable webhooks.

Weekly Journal

Last week was pretty slow. The girls were sick, and I couldn't get motivated to code. I answered support emails and made a few small tweaks based on user feedback.

This week I got back into things with a Human Shift. As always, I love these because they allow me to use my own product. Which is awesome to either see it work perfectly or see where I want to make tweaks. Plus someone is getting their Laravel application upgraded. So it's a win-win-win.

Once this Human Shift is complete, I hope to finish a new feature for the website Zuzana has been working on, as well as add more premium tasks to the Shift CLI.

🔥 Tip

Since I didn't write much code last week, I'll leave a relevant personal tip - take breaks when you need them.

Coding is an intensive mental process. If you don't have focus, you won't be very productive. It's better to take a long lunch, day off, or even staycation than force yourself to code. If nothing else, take a minute and go touch grass.