Laravel 10.29, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.29

Lots this week in Laravel 10.29 since there was no release last week. Here are the highlights:

  • Fixes Str::password() not always generating passwords with numbers in #48681
  • Fix preg_match delimiter not being escaped for cache:prune-stale-tags in #48702
  • Allow route:list to expand middleware groups with -vv option in #48703
  • Allow resolving view from closure in #48719
  • Allow creation of PSR request with merged data in #48696
  • Add replaceMatches to Stringables in #48727
  • Add runningConsoleCommand to App in #48751
  • Add displayName for queued Artisan commands in #48778
  • Make inherited relations and virtual attributes appear in model:show in #48800

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I continued working on Human Shifts. I actually had another one to upgrade. So I didn't get to work on much else last week. I'll likely continue working on these with the rest of the week since both are upgrading relatively large applications from Laravel 4.2.

As far as the side-project, I reached out to a designer to help since things were going slow with the Tailwind UI templates. Again, I don't have much patience for frontend. Even though this side-project has no revenue, I feel it's worth it to pay a little bit to not only customize the design, but also keep me moving. I don't want this to die like 99% of all other side-projects.

🔥 Tip

Allow me vent about downloading private repos from Bitbucket. It sucks. All articles point to a Consumer key/secret pair you need to make that's tied to your user account. Why can't they have some kind of simple access token like GitHub.

Turns out you can make a repo based access token. However, you have to jump through a few hoops to ensure Composer uses it. Specifically ensuring your repository type is set to git or bitbucket, and on unauthorized environments set the bearer token in the auth.json file.

I'm not sure if there is a better way. But after about an hour, that's what I ended up with. It works for a single private Bitbucket repo. However, I doubt it would for multiple as you would have separate access tokens for each repo. Maybe there is a way to configure each within auth.json, but that's too deep for me.