Laravel 10.30, weekly updates, and 🔥 tip

Laravel 10.30

Nothing too spooky in today's release of Laravel 10.30. Although if it were version 10.31, it would have matched the date. Anyway, here are the highlights:

  • Match service provider after resolved in #48824
  • Ability to configure default session block timeouts in #48795
  • Improvements for artisan migrate --pretend in #48768
  • Add support for getting native columns' attributes in #48357
  • Pass the job with the exception in #48830
  • Dispatch events based on a DB transaction result in #48705
  • Fix Stringables not converted in HTTP query parameters or body in #48849

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I got the outstanding Human Shifts in a reviewable place. There's still more to do on these. But it's mostly pairing and squashing bugs at this point.

I also worked on a feature for the website with Zuzana. It's a bit rough around the edges, but in an effort to push it along, I merged it. I'll launch it this week and share more next week.

As far as the side-project, I am now working with a product designer to mock out some screens. It was the right move for me. From a quick 30 minute conversation I got my head around the app flow and now have someone working in parallel with me. So much more productive. I hope to spend Friday bringing the screens to life with Tailwind.

🔥 Tip

This has been a tip a few times now, but as before, it's worth repeating - stick with Laravel. In nearly all of these Human Shifts there is a large portion of the application completely customized. Often this is a feature available in Laravel. Maybe they just needed to change one thing. But instead of embracing the framework, they rewrote it.

User authentication is a common example. In fairness, user auth wasn't as robust back in Laravel 4. But there are other examples, like error logging, database abstraction, or sending email. I see way too many apps writing very extensive wrappers around these core features when there's really no need.