Laravel 10.44, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 10.44

No release last week as Taylor and team were at Laracon EU. Lots in this week's release of Laravel 10.44. Here are the highlights:

  • Add Collection::select() in #49845
  • Fix infinite loop when global scopes query contains aggregates in #49972
  • Add toBase64() and fromBase64() to Stringable in #49984
  • Add Arr::take() in #50015
  • Introduce ObservedBy attribute for models in #49843
  • Introduce ScopedBy attribute for models in #50034
  • HTTP retry() can accept array for backoff delays in #50064

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

The past two weeks have been mostly working on the side-project. In between there have been a few Human Shifts and some tweaks based on my own usage and other user feedback.

I also started alpha testing the Laravel 11.x Shift. The Laravel 11 release has been pushed back to early March. So there's still a few weeks for lots more changes to be added. But the current changes are automated.

The main focus of the Laravel 11.x Shift will be to slim your application. While this is a completely optional change, it is the biggest difference in a new Laravel application. The goal of Shift is to upgrade your application so it feels as though it has always been running the latest version. So the slimming is something I want to automate.

This aligns with Shift's ethos, but more importantly ease of maintenance. The core files included in a new Laravel application account for thousands of lines of code. Often these files are unchanged. So not having to carry them between versions or noisy up your application code is a big win.

🔥 Tip

One of the most common dependencies within a Laravel application is laravelcollective/html. However, this package was abandoned after the Laravel 10 release. It will not have compatibility with Laravel 11.

I was personally using this in a few of my own Laravel projects. So last fall I made the HTML Converter.

I expect this will become more popular in the coming weeks. So I'm getting the word out now. If you are using this package, the HTML Converter will automate the process of swapping you to the spatie/laravel-html package.

If you are using this package, I encourage you to review its usage. If you're using it heavily, I suggest running the HTML Converter now. This will allow you to test the conversion in isolation and will minimize your changeset when you upgrade to Laravel 11.