Laravel 10.45, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 10.45

Not much in this week's release of Laravel 10.45. I think focus is shifting to Laravel 11 (no pun). Here are the highlights:

  • Allow Collection::select() to work on ArrayAccess in #50072
  • Add before to PendingBatch in #50058
  • Add Tappable and Conditionable to Relation in #50124

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I completed the outstanding Human Shifts. I also made some tweaks to the HTML Converter and Laravel 11.x Shift based on user feedback.

With the rest of the week, I worked on the Laravel package compatibility automation. This is the PR I send to all of the Laravel packages Shift tracks. At this point, it's over a thousand packages. This aims to help package authors prepare for the upcoming Laravel 11 release by bumping their Composer constraints and CI. While sometimes there is more to do, it is ready-to-merge for most.

Over the weekend, I worked on Blueprint. Initially, it allowed me to dogfood the package compatibility, which then turned into squashing bugs. I hope to work more on Blueprint after the Laravel 11 release. On a related note, if anyone knows how to refresh the Algolia search for this site (built with Tighten Jigsaw), please reach out.

🔥 Tip

Tickets to Laracon US went on sale today! I fully expect this event to sell out in the coming weeks. If not sooner. So, if you're interested in attending Laracon, I suggest picking them up now. While I hope to speak, I purchased mine this morning just in case.