Laravel 11.26, weekly updates, and 🔥 deals

Laravel 11.26

More patch releases and a minor release last week brings us all the way to Laravel 11.26. Here are the highlights:

  • Add vector column support to migrations in #52884
  • Add stop to Process and Pool in #52959
  • Allow enums for registering named RateLimiter and RateLimited middleware in #52935
  • Allow mass assignment with mutators when using guarded in #52962
  • Add artisan make:job-middleware in #52965
  • Auto discover Events outside app namespace when folder name is in kebab-case in #52976
  • Add --factory factory generic in make:model command in #52855

You may review the full branch diff on GitHub for a complete list of changes.

This version bump and update is automated for subscribers to a Shifty Plan. If you don't have one of those, be sure to bump your constraint and run composer update to get the latest features.

Weekly Journal

Last week I finished up the outstanding Human Shift and, of course, made some optimizations to the Shifts I ran along the way.

Caen and I had a few pairing sessions. We're pretty close - just round out some rough-edges on the MVP features. As we all know, that last 10% takes the longest.

I also broke ground on a new Shift. For a while, I've been thinking about some of the feedback I get from new users (and the onboarding of new users). It finally dawned on me that a PreShift may be a good idea.

This is a stand-alone, free Shift that checks your current version and project structure to advise the best upgrade path using Shift. It also could note any "surprises" along the way, such as code style and abandoned packages. Over the years, each have been isolated bits of feedback. So wrapping them into a Shift not would not only familiarize you with the process, but may also make the overall experience easier.

In between everything, I did my a mini-series of livestreams on generating Livewire components with Blueprint.

🔥 Tip

A few weeks ago I recorded an episode for The Business of Laravel with Matt Stauffer. While I did talk about Shift, my focus was sharing some business revenue and tax optimizations I've made over the years.

While I encourage you to listen to the full episode, I summarized them in this Twitter thread. If you're a solo-founder of a US-based company, these tips may help you optimize your dial in tax strategies for your business earlier than I did.